Access Help & Support in the BluOS Controller app
To access the Help & Support section, perform the following steps:
Android/iOS - Access Help & Support
- Launch the BluOS Controller app and select the Home tab
> Settings button
- Scroll to the Help & Support section to access the Help Menu options.
Windows/macOS - Access Help & Support
Launch the BluOS Controller app; under the left Navigation Drawer, select Help.
Help Menu
Online Support
Access over 200 FAQs about BluOS and BluOS hardware partner sites.
Send Support Request
Fill in the fields with the required information and select Send Request. The diagnostic log of the player is generated and sent along with the support request.
Upgrade (Android/iOS)
Check for updates to the BluOS firmware of the Player.
Upgrade Check - Player (Windows/macOS)
Check for updates to the BluOS firmware of the Player.
Upgrade Check - Controller (Windows/macOS)
Check for updates to the BluOS Controller app.
Add a Player (Android/iOS only)
Run the player setup wizard to add a new player to the existing BluOS system.
Shortcuts (Windows/macOS only)
View the list of keyboard shortcuts to navigate across the BluOS Controller App.
- View the player’s wireless Network name (Wifi), Signal Strength (Wifi), IP Address, MAC Address, BluOS Version, MCU Version (NAD), Uptime, and Total Songs.
- Rebuild Index: Select to delete and recreate an index. For more information, view the Help Center article.
- Connected Shares: Displays the pathname of accessible network file shares within the network, including the VAULT's Music library.
Other Players: Displays the IP address of all other players available on the network.
Selecting the (underlined) Room names of other players launches the Diagnostics view for the chosen Player. To access the Control Panel screen of the chosen Player, select the Control Panel buttonlocated in the upper-right corner. Learn more.
- Statistics collection: Enable/disable to control passive reporting of BluOS players. For more information, view the Help Center article.
- Force Hotspot Mode: Select to reset the BluOS player to Hotspot mode. For more information, view the Help Center article.
- Reboot: Select to restart the player.
Displays the following:
- The current version of the BluOS Controller App and BluOS software
- Licenses
- End User License Agreement
- Privacy Policy information